There’s always more to see.

Break free of the habits that hold you back

One-on-one coaching to support those struggling with overdrinking, other unwanted habits, and anxiety.

Do you struggle with self-doubt? Are you having difficulty making and sustaining changes in your life?

As a certified coach, I can guide you to a more compassionate understanding of your life—so you can experience lasting freedom from unwanted habits and anxiety.

  • “It was incredibly helpful to have a safe place to discuss my fears. Michael is naturally kind, open, attentive—and a great listener. I went on to achieve my goal—and now I’m evolving and growing beyond it, and it’s great!”


Coaching can help you:

  • A peaceful meadow view of a forest with green, yellow, and orange foliage

    Regain a sense of contentment and peace

  • A hiker stands on the top of a mountain cliff looking down at the valley below

    Trust yourself to do what’s best for you

  • sunlight through tree leaves in the foreground with a mountain in the background

    Discover new ways of being in the world

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a loop of unwanted habits?

  • You’re successful in other areas of your life but can’t seem to control your habit the way you’d like to.

  • You can take a break for a short time or cut back—but you feel like you’re missing out.

  • You’re in a never-ending cycle of cutting back and then giving in.

  • You consider yourself a healthy skeptic regarding labels, steps, and fixes that seem too easy, too dogmatic, or encouraging of black-and-white thinking.

  • You care about health and well-being—and this habit is a glaring exception.

  • You beat yourself up after breaking promises to yourself yet again.

  • You successfully quit your habit, but your life still feels like a roller coaster of cravings, emptiness, and disappointment.

Hi, I’m Michael

I know how it feels to be on the roller coaster of living with an unwanted habit. Your life sometimes feels up, down, sideways—and out of control.

I offer coaching to help you get out of roller-coaster mode. I’ll guide you toward new ways of seeing your challenges and to move beyond limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, shame, and fear—and toward lasting change.

I work with anyone dealing with a habit or behavior that’s hurting their health, relationships, work, or general outlook—including overdrinking, overeating, smoking, excessive anxiety, and more.

Coaching to help you get unstuck

Do you have questions about coaching and whether it’s the right fit for you? Are you wondering how coaching compares to therapy and how they can work together? Are you curious how a typical coaching session might go?

To answer these and many other questions, visit my Work with Me page, check out my FAQs, and email me for more information!

  • “I wanted help in thinking through my relationship to alcohol. Our sessions helped me see that I have opportunities to learn how to see things differently. I felt comfortable talking about difficult topics.”


Get in touch—and take a step toward real and lasting change.

I’d love to support you in reaching your goals through habit coaching!