You don’t have to do this alone.

Get one-on-one support from someone who’s been there

Get unstuck from overdrinking and other unwanted habits—with a coach who gets it.

Michael Leeser stands in front of a brick building with a small marina in the background

Whether you’re stuck in a habit, a behavior, or a rut—it feels like you're struggling to find your way.

I’ll help you:

  • understand what’s causing your behavior

  • see more of your own innate health

  • explore ways of moving forward

We can do this together.

  • “Michael coached me to stay in the present and question the thought patterns that I’d been accepting and acting on. I learned, grew, and moved forward, thanks to Michael—and I still use his practice of asking “what if” questions every day.”


A silhouette of a person with their arms outstretched, standing on an outcropping of rock on the beach, greeting the sunrise

What if you could:

  • wake up with no regrets?

  • feel more aligned with your own well-being?

  • become more engaged in the present moment?

  • learn to feel feelings rather than escape them?

  • be a positive example to others in your life?

  • move consistently toward reaching long-term goals?

  • practice gratitude and love your life again?

All of this is possible for you.

Michael Leeser, Coach and Founder of Open Vistas Coaching

Michael Leeser, Coach and Founder of Open Vistas Coaching

I know because I’ve been through it.

For years, I relied on alcohol to celebrate, relieve boredom, and calm overwhelming anxiety. But I increasingly wondered if overdrinking was taking more than it was giving.

I white-knuckled my way through short breaks, only to quickly return to the amount and frequency I was drinking before. I was successful and disciplined in many other areas of life. Why was this so hard?

As I Googled around for a solution, I came across a book and program called This Naked Mind by Annie Grace. I learned about what overdrinking does to the human body, and why cutting back is so difficult when we rely on willpower alone. My curiosity led me to further explore the workings of the brain, habit change, and resilience through the work of Dr. Amy Johnson and Dr. Judson Brewer.

Finally, I stopped seeing alcohol and overdrinking as an emergency exit from the pain of the past, the stressors of the present, and worries about the future.

I learned that no matter how difficult thoughts, feelings, and experiences may seem, they aren’t something I need to escape.

Using alcohol no longer made sense. I’ve been alcohol-free since 2021 and am committed to alcohol-free living.

Today, I help clients find freedom from cycles of trying and failing and guide them to experience real change. I also work with those who have stopped their habit but are still searching for freedom from anxiety and self-doubt as they move forward.

Wherever you are on your journey to quit overdrinking or some other habit, I’ll walk alongside you as you come to a greater understanding of yourself and your own innate resilience.

If coaching sounds like a good fit for you, let’s chat!

  • “Overdrinking was hurting my life. Michael was willing to help me identify underlying reasons. I loved his coaching style and process—and I’m feeling positive about my path forward now.”


A few other things about me:

  • I’m a coach and university professor who always wanted (and still wants) to be a teacher.

  • I live in Tallahassee, FL (Eastern Time)

  • I love travel, nature, and the outdoors

  • I’m into fitness and training for triathlons

  • I’m a big fan of rigorous scholarship and evidence-based research

  • I’m spiritually open and curious—but not dogmatic

  • I’m drawn to gray areas, especially both/and possibilities

To learn more about my story, check out these podcast interviews:

Present & Sober Podcast with Sam Goldfinch and Ellie Crowe.

Ep 104: Michael Leeser—Finding Faith in Your True Self (May 23, 2023)

This Naked Mind Podcast with Annie Grace.

Ep 601: This Naked Life Story—Michael Leeser (June 16, 2023)

  • “Due to multiple life stressors, I was using overdrinking to self-medicate on a daily basis—and it was feeling out of control. Michael's compassion and gentle disposition immediately made me feel at ease. I’m now approaching six months alcohol-free, and owe a large part of that success to my coaching experience with Michael.”

    -Russ T

You’re so much more than the self-doubt and anxiety that’s holding you back!

An ant's eye view of the sky from inside a canyon